Adiabatic insets TU BY 590339385.005-2008 are designed to be used
for producing large-size (bulky) casts of all sorts of steel, cast
iron and non-ferrous materials with casting temperature up to 16500C
for riser heat insulation to increase solidification time in the
feeding boss and considerably rise its efficiecy. Using feed systems
with adiabatic insets has the aim of increasing in-spec casting
output (by 10-15%) because of decrease of specific quantity of metal
of risers (up to 30%) and decreasing power inputs and elimination
of cast waste due to shrinkage defects.
Installation of adiabatic insets: on riser pattern in the cope before
molding, upper casting flask riser cavity dressing after molding.
Flexibility and elasticity of the inset material allow dressing
feed bosses of any configuration.
Main parameters and characteristics.
1.Adiabatic insets are produced of mullite-silicious fiber based
material as compressed fibrous voluminous fabric, formed (compressed)
in a mechanical way and cut out in curves of necessary configuration.
By agreement with the customer the inset may be sewn (fastened)
and its working surface applied refractory dye to.
2. The form of release of products:
- In a form of cut-out fabric (under the sketches coordinated with
the customer);
- The sewed (fastened) voluminous adiabatic riser (under the drawings
coordinated with the customer).
3. Physicotechnical characteristics of adiabatic insets are resulted
in the table:

Example of an use. Casting "Hub". Brand of steel
- 25, weight of the Casting - 2000 kg. Number of risers for 1 cast
- 4. The use of adiabatic insets increased recovery by 15% by the
risers specific quantity of metal reduction of 440 kg.
